Mzuri Pro-Till - Protill
TARBIGEM is proud to announce that we are now the full authorized distributor of Mzuri. Technology and the machines introduced by Mzuri on the market are the state-of-the-art engineering achievements. Mzuri system has been designed in Great Britain and launched into production by the farmer and engineer Martin Lole. As somebody who has worked on a farm since childhood, he knows the challenges faced by farmers. Improving and raising growing standards is his dream. If you want to reconcile on-going production and farm profitability with maintaining high soil potential and effective management, use the Mzuri system for strip-till agriculture with simultaneous soil fertilisation and sowing. When used systematically, it limits costs and working time for growing, all the while assuring high soil fertility. It also allows soil degraded though the use of existing agricultural processes to return to high agricultural productivity.